Destination Sunderland > Things to See & Do > NORTH EAST ANGLING SHOW
The first North East Angling Show, which is being supported by Sunderland City Council, is being held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 15th, 16th and 17th April 2011. The show will be open to the public and will feature Game, Coarse, Carp and Sea Angling. small boats and kayaks – and other relevant exhibitors.
15TH – 16TH – 17TH APRIL 2011
Open to the public
10 am to 5 pm on Friday and Saturday
10 am to 4 pm on Sunday
Visitor entry charge will be £3, with accompanied under 12 year olds free
The venue for the show is the Seaburn Centre, which is situated on the sea front at Seaburn, Sunderland and permission has been granted by the Sunderland City Council for fly casting and surfcasting demonstrations to be held on the beach just across the road from the venue. An area of the beach will be closed off for this purpose.
The North East Angling Show is the first ’All Disciplines’ show in the North East of England. It seems that, in the past, these kinds of exhibitions were always held in the Midlands or in the South of the Country. The North East has some of the biggest populations of anglers in all disciplines of fishing than anywhere else in the Country, and this show will hopefully attract visitors who will see what the North East has to offer.
Exhibitors will be travelling from Scotland, Wales, Southern Ireland and the south of England – right up to our local manufacturers and tackle dealers. Among the exhibitors at the Show will be stands featuring Sea, Game, Coarse, Carp, small boats and Kayak specialists. Some of the latest tackle on the market will be on show and some new products will be ‘showcased’.
There will be excellent prizes to be won on some of the stands and there will also be plenty of ‘Show Bargains’ to be bought.
Angling holiday specialists will be on hand to give you all the information you need about fishing in Scotland, Ireland and overseas.
On the beach opposite the venue, members of the North East Surfcasting Association will be giving surfcasting demonstrations. Anglers can bring their own rods and reels and be shown how to improve their distance and casting techniques
Game flycasting instruction will be given by some of the North East top casters. Included among them will be B.B.C. Radio “Howe’s Fishing” Programme presenter Don Coe.
Some of the top names in angling will be giving talks, advice and demonstrations.
Members of the NET Gain Team will be on hand to give you the latest update on the proposed Marine Conservation Zones.
The R.N.L.I. will be giving advice on safety at sea and what equipment should be carried by boat owners.
The North East Angling Show promises to be one which will establish itself
in the calendar of angling events for many years to come.
There will be something for all anglers to see – try – and buy … so come along and have a great day